San Valley Merlot 2022 750ml
• Vineyards 酒莊
The grapes come from our estate vineyards in Villa Alegre, 285 km south of Santiago in the Maule Valley. The soils are derived from volcanic ash and consist of sandy to sandy loam earth. The vineyards are carefully controlled so as to produce concentrated and elegant wines.葡萄是培植於智利的阿萊格雷鎮,是距離聖地牙哥285公里的一個莫莱谷內,其肥沃的土壤蘊含火山灰。該酒莊地勢平伏,可平均地攝取天然良好的日光。此酒莊是經嚴格管理,產出優質典雅的美酒。
• Climate 氣侯
The Villa Alegre region of Chile has a Mediterranean style climate. Winter rains are plentiful and summers are dry with marked temperature variations between day and night, thereby allowing the grapes to obtain superb tannin development as well as excellent aromas and colour concentration.阿萊格雷鎮位置於智利,擁有地中海的氣侯環境,冬季時雨水充足,而夏天則乾爽,日夜溫差合適葡萄生長,這樣的環境下能孕育出優質的葡萄,帶出單寧的發展,出色的香氣及顏色。
The grapes were harvested by hand in the middle of April. The must is fermented in stainless steel tanks with selected yeasts at temperatures ranging from 26 to 28oC during a seven-day period. Prior to bottling, the wines are, stabilized and filtered carefully to keep all the fruit. 我們所採用的葡萄均經人手在每年四月中採摘,在鋼桶發酵,以精選酵母配以26-28度進行7天發酵,每支酒在入樽前,均經嚴格小心保存以穩定及過濾成佳釀。
San Valley Merlot 2022 750ml 口感:
Our Merlot has a bright ruby-violet color. The wine has intense with abundant notes of ripe red fruits, plum and pepper hints. Its tannins are sweet and velvety. It has a long and lingering finish. Ideal as a company for roast beef, pork, pasta and fresh cheese.
Winemaker: Claudio Goncalves 釀酒商:Claudio Goncalves
Alcohol: 12.5 酒精度:12.5度