Ou Steen Chenin Blanc 2018 / 2019

Ou Steen Chenin Blanc 2018 / 2019

South Africa Ou Steen Chenin Blanc 2019 750ml
• Introduction 簡介
The name of this range comes from the early days of settlement in the Cape. The VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) prohibited farmers from trading with anyone other than the ‘Compagnie’, but this lead to big unhappiness. Therefore, when the ‘vrijburgers’ and local tribesmen wanted to do business, they had to go to a secluded area in the mountain-range to trade without interference. This corner was where Stellenbosch Mountain and Helderberg ‘join’ and so it became known as ‘Konkelberg’.
• Terroir 風土
Rooted in the oldest viticulture soil in the world, it is made up of decomposed granite on the lower slopes of the Helderberg Mountain. This vineyard enjoyed the refreshingly cool breezes from False Bay (Atlantic Ocean) during the day and cool night air flowing down the mountain, resulting in even ripening of the berries and good natural acidity. The macro climate is maritime, with cold wet winters and sunny warm summers. Certified heritage block with SA Old Vine Project, planted 1981.
它植根於世界上最古老的葡萄栽培土壤,由海德堡山下坡的腐爛花崗岩組成。這個葡萄園白天享受著來自福爾斯灣(大西洋)的清爽涼爽的微風和從山上流下的涼爽的夜間空氣,從而使漿果均勻成熟並具有良好的天然酸度。擁有近海洋性的宏觀氣候,冬季寒冷潮濕,夏季陽光明媚。 1981 年種植的 SA Old Vine Project 認證的遺產街區。

Ou Steen Chenin Blanc 2019 釀造過程:
Harvested from a 0.6 ha, 38-year-old single vineyard, it is naturally low yielding at only 3 tons/ha, or 19 hectolitre/ha. Biodynamic (organic) practices are followed and therefore no herbicides or chemical sprays were used in the production of these grapes. The fruit was hand-picked in small picking bins to ensure that perfect grapes reached the cellar.

採自 0.6 公頃、38 年曆史的單一葡萄園,自然產量低,僅為 3 噸/公頃,即 19 公升/公頃。遵循生物動力(有機)實踐,因此在生產這些葡萄時沒有使用除草劑或化學噴霧劑。水果在小採摘箱中手工採摘,以確保完美的葡萄到達地窖。

Whole bunch pressed grapes fermented with wild yeast in matured French Puncheons. It is also aged in these barrels sur lie for 10-12 months. In line with our ultra-natural and terroir-driven approach, the wine received no enzymes, no fining and was bottled unfiltered. Although the wine is drinking well now, we recommend further cellaring, as the wine will improve with maturation for another 10 years.The style of this single vineyard Chenin Blanc was inspired by the great Vouvray Demi-Sec’s (literally half dry) from the Val de Loire in France. These lovely age worthy Chenins, of which Domaine Huet ‘Le Mont’ is one of Jasper’s favourites, can be enjoyed with spicy food, such as curries or with savoury sauces and is also a natural partner to wasabi and sushi. Due to the great natural acidity of Chenin Blanc (colloquially called ‘Steen’), it can result in wines with unbelievable balance and poise even with residual sugar of 16-19 g/l. This wines style is totally determined by the conditions and can therefore only be produced in exceptional years.A toasty marmalade, hint of orange blossom, pineapple, lime and honey nougat character on the nose gives way to a fresh acidity on the mid pallet, ending in a long lingering finish, with orange peel, grapefruit and charry vanilla.

整串壓榨葡萄,在成熟的法國酒中用野生酵母發酵。它還在這些桶中陳釀 10-12 個月。與我們超自然和風土驅動的方法一致,這款酒沒有添加酶,沒有澄清,並且未經過濾裝瓶。雖然現在酒很好喝,但我們建議進一步窖藏,因為酒會隨著再熟化 10 年而變得更好。這款單一葡萄園白詩南的風格靈感來自法國盧瓦爾河谷的偉大 Vouvray Demi-Sec(字面意思是半乾)。這些可愛的陳寧葡萄酒,其中 Domaine Huet ‘Le Mont’ 是 Jasper 的最愛之一,可以與咖哩等辛辣食物或鹹味醬汁一起享用,也是芥末和壽司的天然伴侶。由於白詩寧(俗稱“Steen”)的天然酸度很高,即使殘糖為 16-19 g/l,它也能釀出令人難以置信的平衡和平衡。這種葡萄酒風格完全取決於條件,因此只能在特殊年份生產。烤焦的果醬,淡淡的橙花、菠蘿、酸橙和蜂蜜牛軋糖的香氣,讓位於中間的清新酸度,餘味悠長,帶有橘皮、葡萄柚和焦香草。

Winemaker: Jasper Raats 釀酒商: Jasper Raats
Alcohol: 13 酒精度:13度
Origin: Stellenbosch 原產地:斯泰倫博斯
Grape - Chenin Blanc
Awards:Platter 5 stars Wine Guide 2020 | Platter 4.5 stars Wine Guide 2019 | Tim Atkin 95 MW 2017 | 95 Runner–up white wine of the year– Stellenbosch Wine Review 2019

